This school is part of the EuroProofNet Symposium. See the symposium page to get information on the other co-located events.

Date: 8-11 September 2025

Venue: Institut Pascal, 530 Rue André Rivière, 91400 Orsay [access] [hotels] [food options]

Registration/funding requests: fill in this form (registration is free but mandatory)

Important dates:


Ambrus Kaposi
Second-order generalized algebraic theories
Andrej Bauer
Programming language techniques for proof assistants
Florian Rabe
Modular logic design
Frédéric Blanqui
λΠ-calculus modulo rewriting: theory and application to proof systems interoperability


  Mo8 Tu9 We10 Th11
08:30-09:00 welcome      
09:00-10:30 AK FR FB AB
10:30-11:00 break break break break
11:00-12:30 AB AK FR FB
12:30-14:00 lunch lunch lunch lunch
14:00-15:30 FB AB AK FR
15:30-16:00 break break break break
16:00-17:30 FR FB AB AK
17:30-18:30 (*)     (*)

(*) happy hour


We are very grateful to the following organizations for their support: