EuroProofNet is the European research network on digital proofs. EuroProofNet aims at boosting the interoperability and usability of proof systems. It is a COST action started on November 2021 gathering more than 500 researchers from 44 different countries, chaired by Frédéric Blanqui and a Core group. EuroProofNet organizes meetings and schools, and provides grants to its members for short-term scientific missions in another country. Learn more… Objectives Deliverables Questions?
To join the action, simply apply to the working groups you are interested in (it is free and open to anyone interested by proof systems)!
The EuroProofNet website provides also many useful information about proof tools, research groups, third-party schools and conferences, job offers, teaching material and websites, useful links on gender balance issues, etc. (check the tabs on the top and the menu icon on the top right corner).
Coming events:
7-8 April 2025: WG5 meeting on Theorem Proving with LLMs: SoA and Future Perspectives, Edinburgh, UK
17-18 April 2025: WG6 meeting, co-located with the 2025 Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory / Univalent Foundations (HoTT/UF), Genoa, Italy
3-5 June 2025: WG2 meeting on ATPs for geometry, Krakow, Poland
3-5 June 2025: School on Natural Language Formalizations (SoNaLF), Bonn, Germany
5-6 June 2025: Workshop on Reasoning with Quantitative Types, Porto, Portugal
10 June 2025: Women in EuroProofNet workshop at the 31st International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES’25), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
7-11 July 2025: School on Symbolic and Statistical Methods for Reasoning and Processing Formal Expressions, Kutaisi, Georgia
21-25 July 2025: Scottish Programming Languages and Verification School, Edinburgh, UK
8-19 September 2025: EuroProofNet Symposium, Institut Pascal, Orsay, France, with:
- 8-11 September 2025: International School on Logical Frameworks and Proof Systems Interoperability
- 11-14 September 2025: Workshop on automated reasoning and proof-logging
- 15-16 September 2025: Workshop on proof libraries
- 15-18 September 2025: Conference on Mathematical and Computational Linguistics for Proofs
- 17-19 September 2025: Workshop on program verification
- 19 September 2025 at 14:00 (Paris time): final Management Committee meeting