Past events:
- 11-13 February 2025: WG1 meeting, Nogent-sur-Seine, France
- 26-27 September 2024: WG1+2+4 meeting, Fontainebleau, France
- 15-21 September 2024: school on Proof & Computation, Fischbachau, Germany
- 13-14 September 2024: WG4 meeting/2nd workshop on the development, maintenance, refactoring and mining of large libraries of proofs in Tbilisi, Georgia, in co-location with ITP’24
- 25 August - 1st September 2024: 14th International School on Rewriting, Obergurgl, Austria
- 6 July 2024: Women in EuroProofNet, Bonn, Germany, just before the Workshop on Bridging between informal and formal mathematics
- 1st July 2024: TPTP Tea Party, Nancy, France, in co-location with IJCAR’24
- 26-29 June 2024: SAT/SMT/AR school, Nancy, France, in co-location with IJCAR’24
- 24-27 June 2024: Summer School on Symbolic and Statistical Methods for Reasoning and Processing of Formal Expressions, Kutaisi, Georgia
- 14-15 June 2024: Workshop on Proof Systems for Mathematics and Verification, Lausanne, Switzerland, just after the 30th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
- 28-30 May 2024: WG2 meeting on ATPs for geometry, Nice, France
- 1st May 2024: deadline for STSM and ITCG proposals between May and September 2024
- 23-25 April 2024: inter-WG developers meeting, Le Val d’Ajol, France
- 4-5 April 2024: WG6 meeting, Leuven, Belgium, in co-location with the 2024 HoTT/UF workshop
- 27-28 March 2024: WG3 meeting/Tutorial on Usable Formal Methods for Security of Systems with the participation of industrial users, Dresden, Germany
- 25-26 March 2024: WG5 meeting on the Alignment of Proof Systems and Machine Learning, Vienna, Austria
- 17 March 2024: submission deadline for STSM/ITCG proposals between April and September 2024. We especially welcome proposals from the working group 4, inclusive-target countries and women
- 23-25 January 2024: Meeting on Dedukti and proof systems interoperabilty, Gruissan, France
- 7 January 2024: submission deadline for STSM/ITCG proposals between February and August 2024. We especially welcome proposals from the working groups 4 and 3, and from inclusive-target countries and women
- 12 November 2023: submission deadline for STSM and ITCG proposals between December and June
- 9 October 2023: 3rd Management Committee meeting
- 26-27 September 2023: WG1+4 meeting, Fontainebleau, France
- 6-8 September 2023: Joint WG4-WG5 meeting/Workshop on Natural Formal Mathematics, and on libraries of formal proofs and natural mathematical language, Cambridge, UK
- 28 August - 1st September 2023: School on Verification Technology, Systems & Applications, Nancy, France
- 31 July 2023: Women in EuroProofNet, Bialystok, Poland
- 25-27 July 2023: Inter-WG developers meeting, Le Val d’Ajol, France
- 13 July 2023: WG2 meeting/TPTP tea party, ENS Paris-Saclay, France
- 19-23 June 2023: School on proof assistants for teaching proof and proving (PAT), Val d’Ajol, France
- 11-13 May 2023: Developers meeting on proof generating automated theorem provers, Liège, Belgium
- 8 May 2023: deadline for STSM and ITCG proposals Priority will be given to the proposals contributing to the objectives and deliverables of the working groups 2, 4 and 5:
- WG2: detailed, checkable proofs from automated theorem provers
- WG4: maintenance, refactoring and search of proof libraries
- WG5: learning-based methods for automated theorem proving and natural language proofs
- 24-25 April 2023: WG6 meeting, Vienna, Austria
- 18-20 April 2023: Joint Workshops on Practical Aspects of Machine Learning in Theorem Proving (PAMLTP) and Datasets Generation for Data-Deficient Domains (DG4D^3), Prague, Czech Republic
- 8-9 February 2023: WG3 meeting on program verification, Timisoara, Romania
- 27-29 January 2023: 2nd Dedukti tools developers meeting, Fréjus, France
- 1st January 2023: deadline for STSM proposals
- 24 October 2022: 2nd Management Committee meeting
- 16-18 October 2022: Dedukti tools developers meeting, Val d’Ajol, France
- 23-24 September 2022: EuroProofNet workshop on the development, maintenance, refactoring and search of large libraries of proofs, Tbilisi, Georgia
- 5-9 September 2022: EuroProofNet Summer School on Verification Technology, Systems & Applications (VTSA’22), Saarbrücken, Germany
- 4-9 September 2022: WG5 kick-off meeting and 7th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving (AITP’22), Aussois, France
- 12 August 2022: WG2 kick-off meeting, Haifa, Israel, co-located with PAAR 2022, IJCAR 2022 and FLoC 2022
- 1 July 2022: deadline for STSM proposals
- 24-25 Jun 2022: 1st Dedukti school, Nantes, France
- 24 Jun 2022: Women in EuroProofNet 2022, Nantes, France
- 20-21 May 2022: WG6 kick-off meeting: Syntax and Semantics of Type Theories, Stockholm, Sweden
- 3 April 2022: Deadline for STSM proposals, we are especially looking for applications from women and working groups other than WG3 (notification on 15 April)
- 10-11 Feb 2022: WG3 kick-off meeting, Valencia, Spain Slides&Videos Report
- 18 January 2022; Deadline for STSM proposals (notification on 26 January)
- Jan-Oct 2022: Work and budget plan for January-October 2022
- 11-12 Oct 2021: 1st Management Committee Meeting (online)