July 6, 2024

Co-located with the Workshop for Women in Formal Mathematics as part of the trimester on Prospects of Formalized Math at the Hausdorff Institute of Mathematics, there will be a half-day event dedicated to gender balance in the community. The event will consist of an invited talk and a few contributed talks by women to promote their research and improve their visibility. The talks will be followed by a discussion on gender balance issues, subconscious biases that occur and what we can do to improve the situation.

People of all genders are invited to participate in the event and the discussion.

Invited Speaker

María Inés de Frutos-Fernández - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Call for contributions

  • Abstract submission deadline: June 3, 2024
  • Author notification: June 10, 2024

The contributed talks are meant as a platform to disseminate research done by women in the community. Only women (including transgender women) are invited to submit a contributed talk. Abstracts should be written in English and should not exceed 1-2 pages. Please use the EasyChair style for formatting your submission (EasyChair Style Guidelines). Submit your abstracts as a PDF file via email to (valeria.depaiva@gmail.com) before the submission deadline on June 3, 2024 (anywhere on Earth).



Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany

Registration and Funding applications:

Participation at the WEPN 2024 and the Women in Formal Mathematics is free.

The EuroProofNet COST action can provide funding for a limited amount of participants - all genders welcome to apply for funding! If you would like the apply for funding, fill out the details for funding on the registration form. Before applying for funding see reimbursement rules.

Funding application form: Please apply here

Note that it is possible to arrive a few days before and leave a few days after the workshop but a maximum of 2.4 daily allowances will be reimbursed.

Please contact Sandra Alves if you have any problem during the application for funding process, including reluctance to use google forms.


The following is a tentative combined program for the two events (subject to change).

Day 1 - July 6, 2024 (Women in Formal Math and Women in EuroProofNet)

Time Session
09:25-09:30 Opening & Welcome
09:30-10:30 Invited talk - Ursula Martins: “The social machine of mathematics”
10:30-11:00 Coffee Tea Break
11:00-11:40 Roussanka Loukanova: “Algorithmic Syntax-Semantics with the Type Theory of acyclic Algorithms”
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Invited talk - María Inés de Frutos-Fernández: “Local fields in Lean”
15:00-15:30 Coffee Tea Break
15:30-16:15 Invited talk - Mateja Jamnik: “How can we make trustworthy AI”
16:15-16:55 Anshula Gandhi: “Automatically Generalizing Proofs”
17:00- WEPN discussion

Day 2 - July 7, 2024 (Women in Formal Math)

Time Session
09:30-10:30 Invited talk - Sandra Alves: “Structural Rules and Algebraic Properties of Intersection Types”
10:30-11:00 Coffee Tea Break
11:00-11:40 Lucy Horowitz: “MathGloss and Beyond”
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Invited talk - Brigitte Pientka: “A Type-Theoretic Framework for Certified Meta-programming”
15:00-15:30 Coffee Tea Break
15:30-16:10 Andrea Kolhase: “Insights into Search Interfaces for Mathematicians”
16:10-16:50 Gisele Secco: “Loparic avec les lacaniens - challenges from a translation”
16:50- Discussion2: WIL Next Steps

Booklet of best practices

Within the cost action European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics (EUGAIN) a Booklet “From Ph.D. to Professor” of best practices was developed to address some of the gender balance issues, particularly in the stage between PhD and professorship. The booklet is going to be updated during the life of the EUGAIN action. We will consider some of those practices during the discussion part of the event.

Organizing committee