This will be the final meeting of the WG3. It is part of the Final EuroProofNet Symposium.

Date: 17-19 September 2025

Venue: Institut Pascal, 530 Rue André Rivière, 91400 Orsay [access] [hotels] [food options]

Organizers: Adrián Riesco, Alicia Villanueva, Burkhart Wolff

Registration/funding requests: fill in this form

Important dates:


This WG3 meeting will consist of a three-day meeting allowing members of the software formal verification community to share their work on the objectives and deliverables of WG3. More specifically, we aim to

  • get an overview of the challenges identified in which proof systems can be applied to face them, and to propose a summary of recipes for verifying them,
  • deepen on techniques for for syntax-semantics interfaces for program verification
  • share advances on inference techniques of specifications as helpers
  • deepen on the comparison of the approaches used in the international verification competitions (SV-COMP, TermComp,etc.)

The program will be composed of talks and discussion sessions on these topics, taking advantage of the participation of experts on verification and proof systems.


The meeting aims to:

  • bring together members of the different communities,
  • identify and share verification challenges with recipes,
  • celebrate results that advance the state of the art in the context of the WG3 goals and deliverables,
  • transfer knowledge in terms of expertise and scientific tools across the different disciplines and between academia and industry, and
  • foster collaborations and build synergies among participants to ease the path to more fruitful results beyond the end of the Action.