To report a problem or contribute to the web site, please open an issue, create a pull request or send a mail to the science communication coordinators.
If you have questions concerning reimbursements, please contact the Grant Holder.
- COST annotated rules
- Eligibility rules
- Reimbursement rules
- Management Committee meetings
- Deliverables
Core group
- Chair: Frédéric Blanqui
Vice chair: Sandra Alves
- Science communication
- coordinator: Natasa Stojkovik
- vice coordinator: Dmitriy Traytel
- Grant awarding
- coordinator: Ambrus Kaposi
- vice coordinator: Simona Prokić
- Training
- coordinator: Luigia Petre
- vice coordinator: Marija Mihova
Gender-balance coordinator: Anja Petković Komel
- WG1 on interoperability
- leader: Jesper Cockx
- vice leader: Catherine Dubois
- WG2 on automated theorem provers
- leader: Mathias Fleury
- vice leader: Sophie Tourret
- WG3 on program verification
- leader: Alicia Villanueva
- vice leader: Adrián Riesco
- WG4 on libraries
- leader: Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki
- vice leader: Claudio Sacerdoti Coen
- WG5 on machine learning
- leader: David Cerna
- vice leader: Adrian de Lon
- WG6 on type theory
- leader: Roussanka Loukanova
- vice-leader: Benedikt Ahrens
Management Committee/Country representatives
Each COST (cooperating) member country can have one or two representatives. There are currently 36/42 countries represented in EuroProofNet. We are looking for representatives for Armenia, Cyprus, Latvia, Malta, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro. If you are interested, please contact the chair.
- Albania: Elda Xhumari
- Austria: Laura Kovács and Cezary Kaliszyk
- Belgium: Christophe Scholliers and Pascal Fontaine
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Marina Milićević
- Bulgaria: Roussanka Loukanova
- Croatia: Zvonko Iljazović and Sandro Skansi
- Czech Republic: Martin Suda and David Cerna
- Denmark: Amin Timany and Dmitriy Traytel
- Estonia: Niccolo Veltri and Danel Ahman
- Finland: Luigia Petre
- France: Frédéric Blanqui and Catherine Dubois
- Germany: Erika Ábrahám and Chuangjie Xu
- Georgia: Besik Dundua
- Greece: Petros Stefaneas
- Hungary: András Kovács and Ambrus Kaposi
- Iceland: Valentina Castiglioni and Dylan McDermott
- Ireland: Madhusanka Liyanage
- Israel: Liron Cohen and Yakir Vizel
- Italy: Claudio Sacerdoti Coen and Maria Emilia Maietti
- Lithuania: Linas Laibinis
- Luxembourg: Jun Pang and Alexander Steen
- Netherlands: Herman Geuvers and Jesper Cockx
- North Macedonia: Natasha Maksimova and Marija Mihova
- Norway: Håkon Robbestad Gylterud and Volker Stolz
- Poland: Adam Naumowicz and Aleksy Schubert
- Portugal: Maria João Frade and Sandra Alves
- Romania: Rodica Condurache and Mihai Craciun
- Serbia: Silvia Ghilezan and Danijela Simić
- Slovakia: Ján Perháč
- Slovenia: Anja Petković Komel and Andrej Bauer
- Spain: Montserrat Hermo and Alicia Villanueva
- Sweden: Anders Mörtberg and Robin Adams
- Switzerland: Viktor Kuncak
- Turkey: Ümit Ertuğrul
- Ukraine: Mykola Nikitchenko
- United Kingdom: Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki and Benedikt Ahrens