Work plan for January-October 2022
20% of the budget will be dedicated to short-term scientific missions (STSMs). STSMs are a very important tool for the action since the development of tools for interoperability is facilitated when people can meet and work together at the same place. A call for STSM proposals will be launched soon.
For the first year, some schools will be (co-)organized to give EuroProofNet members the knowledge necessary to work on the objectives of the action:
On June 24-25, there will be a school on Dedukti and a workshop on Women in EuroProofNet, in co-location with the TYPES’22 conference at Nantes (France).
During the summerIn September, there will be the next edition of the school on Verification Technology, Systems & Applications (VTSA) at Saarbrücken (Germany), with a focus on proof-generating verification systems. -
In September, there will be a school on Naproche and controlled natural languages in proof assistants at Bonn (Germany).(postponed to next year)
Finally, a number of small and big meetings have been planned:
On February 10-11, the kick-off meeting of the WG3 on program verification at Valencia (Spain).
At the end of
MarchMay, a WG6 meeting on syntax and semantics of type theories in Stockholm (Sweden). -
In August 11-12, a WG2 meeting co-located with the PAAR’22 workshop and a workshop dedicated to sharing libraries of formal proofs during FLOC at Haifa (Israel).
On September 4-7, WG5 meeting at the AITP’22 conference at Aussois (France).