LFPSI’25 lecture: Second-Order Generalized Algebraic Theories
In the International School on Logical Frameworks and Proof Systems Interoperability.
Lecturer: Ambrus Kaposi
In this lecture series, we will study non-substructural programming languages at a very high level of abstraction: a language is a second-order generalised algebraic theory (SOGAT). The syntax of such a language is its initial model, in which there are only well-typed (intrinsic) terms quotiented by conversion, every operation is automatically a congruence with respect to conversion and every operation is stable under substitution. Planned schedule:
- Examples of languages as SOGATs and programming in a language. We will cover some of the following: Simply typed lambda calculus, PCF, first-order logic, System F, the lambda cube, call by value lambda calculus, Martin-Löf type theory, the language of SOGAT signatures.
- What is a model of a SOGAT? Translation from SOGATs to GATs through examples. Notion of syntax.
- Proofs about closed syntactic terms (such as canonicity) staying at the SOGAT level of abstraction.
- Proofs about open syntactic terms (such as normalisation) staying at the SOGAT level of abstraction.
Related ideas are higher-order abstract syntax, logical frameworks, two-level type theories, synthethic Tait computability. We will rely on being able to work informally in type theory (informal Agda/Coq/Idris/Lean). The first two lectures won’t use any category theory, the third lecture will introduce presheaf models of type theory gently. We plan to have exercise sessions as well. We will rely directly on two papers, but we won’t assume the knowledge of these from the participants:
- Ambrus Kaposi, Szumi Xie: Second-Order Generalised Algebraic Theories: Signatures and First-Order Semantics. FSCD 2024:10:1-10:24.
- Rafaël Bocquet, Ambrus Kaposi, Christian Sattler: For the Metatheory of Type Theory, Internal Sconing Is Enough. FSCD 2023:18:1-18:23.